Shop carts are a cornerstone of workshop furniture everywhere, offering versatility and adaptability to various tools and storage ideas. You can find the important points for you to navigate this particular sketch for my shop cart concept below!
The basic concept of these shop carts can be found under the “logo” is to use two layers for top and bottom to facilitate a more sturdy connection using only screws, and no glue – just in case I ever want to disassemble them.
On the right, you find my calculations of the measurements for all the pieces, that I have since put into an excel sheet that calculates them for me depending on the height of the tools to go on top and the dimensions I want for the top. I included the height of the casters and the thickness of the OSB as well.
At the bottom you can see my idea for a coloring scheme, using, in this case, my shop gradient from yellow to red. The idea here is to make a story-stick with marks on it that will be transferred to every corner of every cart. As long as you make sure that you paint each color up to the same mark, you can place the carts next to each other in any configuration, and it will look amazing.
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