Kids’ Shop – Make a corn cob

If your kids have a toy shop, here is how you can make them a cool looking (and wooden) corn cob to sell to their customers. All you need it a piece of dowel, some string and wooden pearls.

On a side note, I have not been uploading in a while since I have been working on several things at once (one of them being my Patreon campaign). I hope to get at least some of them finished soon.

Kids’ Shop

Quite frankly, I have no idea what the right term for this is in english, but the basic idea is for kids to have a desk or counter and some props to roleplay running a shop and selling their stuff to customers (usually parents, siblings or friends). I made one for my girls a while back, and it is a rather simple built.

Still quite empty, but it should give you an idea.

Still quite empty, but it should give you an idea.

You can make one yourself or just use a small table (or even a big one). The main ingredient is imagination, and as you saw, you can even get away with scrap wood and a marker. Other items that will do well in such a shop are empty tea boxes, small empty botles (perfume, for example), and sample boxes for almost anything. You can use them as they are or make your own lables.

But there is no limit, and you could always ask your kids what they might want to sell – my girls like to sell chestnuts, for example, and sometimes stones.

You might also need a register and some money – a box and some cents (or homemade cardboard coins or bills) will do easily.

I will upload further videos about making stuff for a kid’s shop, but the most important thing, as always, are the kids actually using it. There is no point in making or turning the most complex pieces if the kids will not sell them. So ask them what they want, and do not shy away from a challenge.

As always, Thanks for reading, and for watching.

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