Weekly Update 13.11.2020

Greetings Inspired Ones!

Do you care for these updates? Do you find them inspiring or interesting? Please let me know, because, well, I want to know! I do many things that never make it online, but I also do not want to list them simply to justify myself. I want to inspire you, and if you have questions about the stuff I do please feel free not to hesitate to ask! Yes, I have a way with words, and I mean to say please ask all the questions!


  • Edited my next video! Aiming for a release on Friday like I usually do, but I also took a segment of this project that did not quite fit anymore and decided to turn it into another video on its own! Yay for consistency. Maybe.
  • Another project that took up most of my time this week was the grape harvest. A couple of years ago we planted a grapevine and helped it along to cover the south-facing wall of the house. This year, it yielded about 100kg of sweet, pipless grapes, the bulk of which we took down monday and tuesday.

What I printed:

  • Finished an undisclosed prop print (it’ll be a present). I am really beginning to like SLA or resin printing. It is giving me much less trouble than both my FDM printers these days. Not to say that it does not give me any trouble, though, but less.
  • A few more minis via Heroforge as well as the first pieces of this Avatar Korra model. No pressure, but I believe that this will be a good stress test for my resin printer.

Working on:

  • Still editing the recipe for the Striped Cave-Sickler. I want to make it as easy as possible for others to recreate the meal, which requires more work on the back-end,
  • Fixing both my FDM printers. Both have bed level issues and also some adhesion shenanigans going on. I have some self-designed parts I want to print and some things I want to design in the pipeline!
  • Because I haven’t bitten off enough yet I started working on a spur-of-the-moment idea based on paper and design. I hope I can reveal the first iteration soon!

That is all for this week. 

Be Inspired!


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