Most recent Inspiration

Bee Clock for the Bee House

If you follow me for a bit you probably know that I keep bees. If not, check out this series of articles so you can claim you knew all along.…

Horizon Wall Art!

As a fan of Horizon Zero Dawn and looking forward to playing Horizon Forbidden West, I came across a promotional postcard, depicting the iconic machines from the games in a…

Pyrotechnic Roleplaying Prop

This project is a little unusual, but that’s nothing new if you have been following my work for a little while. This is a prop for our roleplaying game (and…

Fear – In the Spire, Episode 12

After an hiatus that went on too long to be even mentioned narratively, the Cult talks about fear, up to and including fear of the Auditor. There is also an…

Soul Skull Paint Job

I recently found a file on Thingiverse called Soul Skull. It was pretty much a perfect fit for an item I could see used in one of our D&D campaigns…

Making a Crysknife!

Have you evern been threatened via an empty piece of cloth inscribed with a weird sentence that is only threatening if you apply a very harsh case of misunderstood grammar,…
Most recent Podcast Episodes
Random Projects

Pyrotechnic Roleplaying Prop

This project is a little unusual, but that’s nothing new if you have been following my work for a little while. This is a prop for our roleplaying game (and…
Random Weird Stuff

Whirligig Wars 2014 – Tooby’s Poem

For Summer’s Woodworking’s 2×4 competition, there was the Trash Talk. That was loads of fun, but for the Whirligig Wars, I did not feel it would fit, especially not with…

Royal Decree, background for the Root Beast

A Royal Decree? Yes. No explanation necessary, because that would be beyond the scope of the usual blog post. Also, let’s see who can spot the most woodworking references before…
Death of Rats (on the left)

This is me!

I am Dominic (on the right) and I am here to inspire you. Between projects from my workshop, tabletop roleplaying and fantasy cooking, I am sure there is something here for you. Not to mention the mildly inconvenient Cult that has taken an interest in what I do.

How do you want to Be Inspired?

Walking Papercut

Tabletop roleplaying inspiration and papercraft to enrich your games.

the cult in a bohemian rhapsody arrangement

In the Spire

The Cult's podcast. Don't know the Cult? Start here and watch more of my videos!

Jabbado's Kitchen

Fantasy cooking for a more immersive (roleplaying) experience!

Find my 3D-prints!

I have designed a number of items for you to print and enjoy. You can download them on:


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If you are looking for merch look no further. Check out my slowly increasing number of designs!

Support what I do!

If you find something enjoyable or entertaining among the things I do I would appreciate it if you could "buy me a beverage" if you can. (Money might be used to make more things. But I will make sure to hydrate in the process.)

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