P-Cards! Color me (and you) Productive!

The P-Cards are more than just a pun (“Make it so!”). They are little helpers to increase your productivity, but potentially also the fun you have! They come in different flavors for different kinds of projects, and I am releasing more and more!

How do these Cards work?

Easy! You print a page in the format you prefer (Letter or A4), cut them out (optional), and you’re off to go! Add the name of your project to a card and whenever you work on that project, you get to color in a few areas. And before you know it you’ll be done!

You can chose whether progress in a project means you get to color in a single field or a couple of them. Rest assured that whenever you run out of fields in a P-Card you should also reevaluate your project. At least in my experience, such projects are usually huge time-sinks that will never see the light of day.

How can I get P-Cards?

Make sure to check back regularly as I will release more and more flavors of cards in the future. For now, the available ones are:

Let me know what you think, share your finished cards, and check around to surely find more inspiration.

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